Cultural, educational and ideological work of Pharmacology

Cultural and education work tightly connects with scientific work and educational process of the students. Paradigm of learning is includes formation of social activism, go headedness, creativity, general culture and professional ethics.

Basic documents:

  • National program “Education and Youth Policy” 2021-2025.
  • Program of continuous education of children and studying youth 2021-2025.
  • Legal code about education.

Areas of work

In the field of education:

  • the introduction of new teaching technologies that increase the efficiency and preserve the health of student;
  • the connection of higher education with fundamental and applied science through the creation of educational and research centers with active interaction of universities with large research centers of the country;
  • the areas of development of secondary, higher and postgraduate education in the republic;
  • types and forms of active participation of students in the development of educational resources and technologies in the BSMU.

In the field of health care:

  • increasing the availability and quality of medical care by introducing advanced medical technologies, creating scientific and practical centers, restructuring medical care, improving the system of social standards,
  • participation of BSMU in solving urgent problems of practical health care.

In the field of drug supply:

  • the state policy in the field of medicines, the main provisions of the drug safety of the Republic of Belarus;
  • priority directions for the development of the pharmaceutical industry, the role and place of pharmacology in solving urgent problems of drug safety, innovative developments in the field of drugs;
  • the role of the doctor in increasing the availability of quality medicines to the population, advertising in the field of medicines, professional and ethical aspects of the selection and prescription of medicines;
  • legal violations in the field of medicines and the responsibility of medical workers.

In the field of science and innovation:

  • development of fundamental and applied scientific research in the field of medicine and pharmacy, industrial biotechnology, information and telecommunication technologies, ecology and rational nature management;
  • development of an innovative infrastructure for research work aimed at increasing the practical significance of scientific research by Belarusian scientists;
  • organization and coordination of scientific work of students at BSMU - student scientific society of BSMU - goals, objectives, projects;
  • areas of scientific work of the Department of Pharmacology, types and forms of student participation in scientific research in pharmacology.

In the field of demographic and youth policy:

  • the formation of a healthy lifestyle and the strengthening of the health of the population, an increase in life expectancy, the protection of the health of mothers and children, the creation of a favorable living environment - legal and socio-economic aspects;
  • the role of practical health care and medical education in solving the country's demographic problems - reducing the incidence and mortality of the population through medical measures of a therapeutic and prophylactic orientation, the formation of a culture of family planning, social relations, lifestyle through educational work in the youth community;

The Department of Pharmacology pays great attention to the most relevant and interesting for students issues of drug safety and the use of drugs not only in medical practice, but also in everyday life. These issues include, first of all, the problems of the use of doping, household psychostimulants, aphrodiasics, herbal remedies and traditional medicine. Particular attention is paid to the issues of alcohol, drug and nicotine addiction.

Our cultural and educational events and meetings

The one aspects of cultural and educational work is improvement of professional personal skills. For this purpose, the organization of meeting of students with emergency medical service providers was organized. The participants were discussing some clinical cases, drugs administration details etc.


For the further development of scientific skills the visiting of the Central Scientific Research Laboratory of Belarusian state medical university is necessary. Students with their tutors have observed the animal welfare and experimental conditions.


Leisure activities is important part of cultural and educational work with students. Visiting of Bolshoi Theatre of Belarus and Museum of medical history of Belarus by students with their tutor are examples of providing cultural activity.


Sporting activities help to achieve the best educational results due to development of such qualities as goal commitment, courage and readiness. Teaching stuff give example for students and invite to participate in marathons and to visit some sport centers at the open air together.


The pharmacology department is a tutor of different dormitories, including the one for the foreign students. Visiting the students in the dormitories, observation of their housing conditions, discussing some life aspects are part of cultural and educational work of our department.


Not only education connects teaching stuff with students. Organization of cooperative celebration of New Year is the tradition on pharmacology department. Exchange with gifts is the most funny thing, especially if you need to say the poem or to dance to take your gift. Tutors with their students playing Secret Santa:


Thus, the mission of the Department of Pharmacology is fully coordinated with the mission of the Belarusian State Medical University and consists in the implementation of three main areas of activity: the development of professional education, the implementation of scientific research, the formation of socially and professionally significant personality traits of future doctors and pharmacists.