Senior, Associated and Teaching staff of Pediatric Dentistry

Шаковец Наталья Вячеславовна

Head of the department

Natallia Shakavets

Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences

Doctoral thesis «Early childhood caries: etiology, prognosis, prevention, treatment» (2016). Author of over 240 scientific papers, including 3 monographs, 2 patents, 6 instructions for the method. Member of the International Association of Pediatric Dentistry (IAPD), European Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (EAPD). 2 candidate thesises were defended under her supervision. Currently, she is the head of 3 candidates for the scientific degree of Ph.D. Research interests: prevention of dental caries, methods of ECC treatment, minimally invasive methods of dental caries treatment.
Леонович Ольга Михайловна

Deputy Head of the Department for Academic Affairs

Olga Leonovich

Ph.D., Associate Professor

In 2018 she defended her Ph.D. thesis on the topic «Improvement of the dental treatment effectiveness in children with phobic reactions». Author of over 50 scientific papers. Research interests: methods of minimizing pain and the behavior management of children during the dental treatment.
Кленовская Маргарита Игоревна

Deputy Head of the Department for Scientific Work

Margarita Klenovskaya

Ph.D., Associate Professor

In 2001 she defended her Ph.D. thesis on «Clinical and functional state of the oral cavity organs in children operated for thyroid cancer». Author of more than 135 scientific papers, 1 patent, 3 instructions for a method, 33 educational methodical publications. Research interests: modern methods of dental caries prevention, dental treatment of children with special needs.
Мельникова Елена Ивановна

Deputy Head of the Department for Medical Work

Elena Melnikova

Ph.D., Associate Professor

In 2002 she defended her Ph.D. thesis on the topic «Epidemiology of dental diseases among the child population of the Republic of Belarus and the definition of scientifically based standards for the organization of dental care». Author of 145 scientific papers, 3 instructions for the method. Research interests: dental caries in young children, traumatic injuries of teeth in children, complicated caries of temporary and permanent teeth with incomplete root formation, periodontal disease in children and adolescents.
Кравцова-Кухмар Надежда Геннадьевна

Deputy Head of the Department for Educational and Ideological Work

Nadezhda Kravtsova-Kuhmar


Applicant for the degree of Ph.D. on the topic «Improving the diagnosis and treatment of gingivitis in children and adolescents (clinical and experimental research)». Has II medical category. Author of 1 rationalization proposal. Research interests: prevention and treatment of periodontal diseases in children.
Наумович Дарья Николаевна

Deputy Head of the Department for Methodical Work. Responsible Person for ETest

Darya Naumovich

Associate Professor, Ph.D.

In 2009 she defended her Ph.D. thesis on the topic «Prevention of dental caries and periodontal diseases in children during orthodontic treatment (laboratory and clinical research)». Author of over 50 publications, 3 patents for inventions, 5 instructions for use. Research interests: modern approaches to the prevention and treatment of dental caries in children.
Белик Людмила Петровна

Responsible Person for 5th year students education

Lyudmila Belik

Ph.D., Associate Professor

In 2000 she defended her Ph.D. thesis on the topic «Condition and functional characteristics of the oral cavity in children with chronic glomerulonephritis». Author of over 115 scientific papers. Research interests: prevention and treatment of dental caries in children of different ages, pulp therapy of temporary and permanent teeth with incomplete root formation in children.
Терехова Тамара Николаевна

Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences

Tamara Terekhova

Doctoral thesis: «Prevention of dental caries in preschool children with the use of fluoridated salt» (1999). 11 candidate and 2 doctoral thesises were defended under the guidance of Professor T.N. Terekhova. Currently, she is the head of 3 candidates for the scientific degree of Ph.D. and a scientific advisor of 2 candidates for the scientific degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences.
Попруженко Татьяна Вадимовна

Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences

Tatiana Popruzhenko

In 2013 she defended her doctoral thesis on the topic «Substantiation of the feasibility and conditions for the safe implementation of systemic communal fluoroprophylaxis of dental caries». Author of over 180 publications, including five monographs, 43 educational methodical publications. Research interests: prevention of dental diseases, dental treatment of children with oncohematological diseases.
Кармалькова Елена Алексеевна

Associate Professor, Ph.D.

Elena Karmalkova

In 1991 she defended her Ph.D. thesis on the topic «Treatment of acute herpetic stomatitis in children using a helium-neon laser». Author of over 150 scientific works, 4 rationalization proposals. Research interests: prevention and treatment of dental diseases in children.
Яцук Александр Иванович

Associate Professor, Ph.D.

Alexander Yatsuk

In 1994 he defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic «Assessment of the effect of low doses of ionizing radiation on the oral mucosa of children (clinical and experimental research)». Scientific supervisor of the Student Scientific Society at the department. Author of more than 100 scientific papers. Research interests: non-carious lesions occuring during the follicular development of teeth.
Боровая Мария Леонидовна

Associate Professor, Ph.D.

Maria Borovaya

In 2000 she defended her Ph.D. thesis on the topic «Prevention of dental caries in preschool children with congenital cleft lip and cleft palate». Author of over 75 scientific papers, 1 instruction for the method. Research interests: treatment of caries and its complications in children, diseases of the oral mucosa.
Шилова Маргарита Александровна

Associate Professor, Ph.D.

Margarita Shilova

In 2000 she defended her Ph.D. thesis on the topic «Clinical and functional state of the oral cavity in children with food allergies».

Associate Professor, Ph.D.

Elena Gulko

In 2007 she defended her Ph.D. thesis on «Exogenous prevention of dental caries in primary schoolchildren». Responsible for Medical Outpatient Practice at the Faculty of Dentistry. Author of over 75 scientific papers, 1 instruction for the method. Research interests: prevention of dental diseases, treatment of dental caries and its complications in children.
Лосик Ирина Михайловна

Associate Professor, Ph.D.

Irina Losik

In 2014 she defended her Ph.D. thesis on the topic «Prevention of major dental diseases in children with cerebral palsy». Responsible for Medical Outpatient Practice at the Department of Pediatric Dentistry. Author of over 35 scientific papers, 1 instruction for the method.
Петрович Надежда Ивановна

Senior Teacher, Ph.D.

Nadezhda Petrovich

In 2002 she defended her Ph.D. thesis on the topic «Provision of dental treatment to children with hemostatic pathology».
Кравченко Наталья Леонидовна

Senior Teacher

Natalia Kravchenko

Заболоцкая Лиана Викторовна

Senior Teacher

Liana Zabolotskaya

Зенькевич Юрий Всеволодович

Senior Teacher

Yuri Zenkevich

Applicant for the degree of Ph.D. on the topic «Improving the methods of diagnosis and treatment of anomalies in the position of third molars in children and adolescents». Research interests - pediatric maxillofacial surgery: traumatology, oncology, congenital malformations, acquired defects and deformations, inflammation of the maxillofacial region.
Чернявская Надежда Дмитриевна

Senior Teacher

Nadezhda Chernyavskaya

Applicant for the degree of Ph.D. on the topic «Prevention of caries of the occlusal surfaces of the first permanent molars in children». Author of over 20 scientific publications, 3 instructions for the method. Research interests: modern methods of prevention of dental diseases in children.
Колковская Ольга Витальевна

Senior Teacher

Olga Kolkovskaya


Рачков Александр Анатольевич

Associate Professor, Ph.D

Rachkov Aleksandr

In 2022 he defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic «Treatment of postoperative jaw defects using resorbable membranes taking into account microbial contamination (experimental clinical study)». Author of over 40 scientific papers. Co-author of 2 patents for inventions, 2 instructions for use. Research interests: tooth-preserving operations, extraction of impacted teeth, dental implantation, guided surgery.
Ахремко Анастасия Андреевна

Senior Teacher

Ahremko Anastasiya

Research interests: inflammatory diseases of the maxillofacial region
Zimodro Viktoriya


Zimodro Viktoriya