Lecturers of Clinical Pharmacology

Head of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology

Irina S. Romanova

PhD dissertation: «Drug therapy and clinical outcomes in patients with myocardial infarction in the conditions of daily medical practice.» (2008). Irina S. Romanova has more than 60 scientific publications. Scientific direction - pharmacoepidemiology, pharmacoeconomics, safety of drugs during pregnancy and lactation.


Michael K. Kevra

PhD doctor of science: «Systemic action of alpha tumor necrosis factor and its clinical efficacy modifiers of rheumatoid arthritis and sepsis.» (2004) Author of over 280 scientific publications, 7 monographs. In 2012, «For merits in science» was awarded the Medal of the Commonwealth of Independent States, Komsomol Prize Laureate. Awarded Diploma of the Ministry of Health of the Byelorussian SSR, the Central Committee of Komsomol, the Central Committee of Komsomol. Honorary Donor of the USSR. He awarded the Honorary Badge of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies of the USSR


Igor V. Vasilevsky

PhD dissertation: «Transferrin, ceruloplasmin and related bioelements (iron and copper) in the blood of pregnant women and newborn twins.» (1974). PhD doctor of science: «Bullets and the form of the hereditary predisposition as a basis for prediction of asthma in children» (1992) Has 620 scientific publications. He was awarded the Honorary Diploma of the Council of Ministers, «Excellent Health of Belarus.» Scientific direction - drugs to treat diseases of the respiratory and digestive systems.

Associate professor

Larisa N. Gavrilenko

PhD dissertation: «Influence hemosorption on bronchial tone and clinical pharmacology of theophylline in patients with bronchial asthma» (1990). Larisa N. Gavrilenko has more than 100 scientific publications Currently conducts research work in the field of pharmacoepidemiological, pharmacoeconomic studies of drugs in the area of ​​drug safety and pharmacovigilance. He is a member ISPOR (International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research), and ISOP (International Society of Pharmacovigilance). It is mainly a freelance specialist in clinical pharmacology of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus and the Minsk city executive committee of the Health Committee.

Associate professor

Galina G. Maksimenya

PhD dissertation: «Medical and social aspects of birth LBW newborns and features of their psycho-physical development in the first three years of life.» (1993). Galina G. Maksimenya has 45 scientific publications. Scientific direction- drugs acting on hemo- and homeostasis in the blood formation.

Associate professor

Elena N. Skepyan

PhD dissertation: «Bronchial hyperresponsiveness on the background of physical activity and its correction in children with asthma.» (2009). Elena N. Skepyan has 69 scientific publications. Scientific direction - pulmonology, allergology, pediatrics.

Associate professor

Olga F. Kardash

PhD dissertation: « Influence of platelet-plasma hemostasis on the course and prognosis of coronary heart disease after coronary artery bypass grafting». Olga F. Kardash has more than 300 scientific publications. Scientific direction - cardiology. Member of the European Society of Cardiology. Laureate of the International Doppler Society Prize


Irina N. Kozhanova

PhD dissertation: «Pharmacoeconomic substantiation of treatment of COPD.» (2008). Irina N. Kozhanova has more than 60 scientific publications. Scientific direction - pharmacoeconomics, health technology assessment, safe use of medicines.

Associate professor

Tatyana A. Chack

PhD dissertation: «Clinical and metabolic, genetic and cell-molecular characteristics of distal polyneuropathy in type 2 diabetes mellitus» (2017). Tatyana A. Chack has more than 25 scientific publications. Scientific direction - endocrinology, pharmacotherapy of diabetes.

Associate professor

Alina A. Koroleva

PhD dissertation "Bone mineral density and the formation of osteoporosis in patients with postoperative hypothyroidism" (2000).
Author of more than 100 scientific papers.


Gleb Yu. Kardash

Scientific direction: drug interactions, emergency medicine.

Former employees
Head of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology
Alexander V. Khapalyuk
PhD,MD, professor

PhD dissertation: «The pathogenetic mechanisms of disturbances in lipid metabolism, hemostasis and microcirculation in patients with coronary heart disease» (1981). PhD doctor of science: «The relationship of hormone-metabolic, and dermatological immunogenetic indicators of the characteristics of physical constitution in healthy men and patients with chronic ischemic heart disease» (1996). Chief editor of «Medicine» magazine, «Family Doctor», a member of the editorial board of the journal «Cardiology», «Medical Journal», «Ars medica». Awarded the badge «Excellent Health». Alexander V. Khapalyuk has has more than 250 scientific publications. Scientific direction - clinical, genetic and anthropological aspects of phenotypic manifestations of diseases.

Associate professor
Natalia D. Taganovich

PhD dissertation: «Pharmacological properties ditoloniya-new peripherally acting muscle relaxant» (2000). Natalia D. Taganovich has 40 scientific publications. Scientific direction - Gastroenterology and Allergology.