Teaching staff of Outpatient Therapy

Рылатко Елена Викторовна

Head of the Department

Rylatka Elena Viktorovna

PhD, Associate Professor

Elena Rylatka graduated the Minsk State Medical Institute in 1994. She graduated from the part-time post-graduate course at the Department of outpatient therapy BSMU in 2002, since 2001 - Assistant of the Department of outpatient therapy, since 2004 - Associate Professor of the same department. From 2002 to 2015 year to the Deputy Head of the Department of outpatient therapy for educational and methodical work, since 2012 is responsible for the operation of the quality management system in the department. On September 1, 2015 Head of the Department of outpatient therapy. Elena Rylatka has a wide range of research interests in different sections of therapy (cardiology, rheumatology, nephrology, psychosomatic medicine), the leading trend which - evaluation of therapeutic correction. PhD thesis “The relationship of autonomic, emotional, somatic disorders in rheumatoid arthritis and the possibilities to correct them”, defense in 2002. Total has published more scientific works (at the end of 2015). She has the highest qualification category of a general practitioner. The main base – The 39th city polyclinic (Minsk, st. Caroline, 3, office 352, phone 8017-3733978).
Журавков Юрий Леонидович

Associate Professor

Zhuraukou Yuri Leonidovich


Author of 62 publications, including 9 tutorials and teaching aids. Co-author of the textbook “Internal Diseases” in 2 volumes (editor-in-chief professor Bova A.A.) and of 8 inventions. Research interests: pulmonology, intensive care.
Алексеева Елена Сергеевна

Assistant lecturer

Alyakseeva Alena Sergeyevna

Alena Aliakseyeva graduated the Medical Faculty of the Belarusian State Medical University in 2011. During training she has participated in many conferences, was a multiple winner of republican competitions. After graduation and until 2014 she had worked as the therapist in the 13th polyclinic and in the cardiology department of the 11th clinical hospital in Minsk. In March 2014 Alena participated in the internship of family medicine in Salzburg in Austria which was organized by the Austrian-American Association of Physicians. From September 2014 - Assistant of the Department of Outpatient Therapy of BSMU. She has the highest qualification category as a general practitioner. Responsible for teaching and preparing teaching materials in a foreign language (English) at the department. Author of 28 publications. Research interests: cardiology, rheumatology, quality of life, and adaptation of the organism in various diseases in outpatient practice. The main base – The 6th central district polyclinic (Minsk, street Uliyanovskaya, 5, class 103).
Еремина Наталья Михайловна

Deputy Head of educational and methodological work

Eremina Natalia Mikhailovna

PhD, Associate Professor

PhD thesis: “Comprehensive outpatient diagnosis of preclinical hemodynamic disorders and initial manifestations of hypertension in young people”, defense in 2014. Author of 32 publications. Research interests: outpatient diagnosis, pharmacotherapy and prevention of cardiovascular diseases, dispensarization in polyclinics.
Месникова Ирина Леонтьевна

Deputy Head of ideological educational work

Mesnikova Irina

PhD, Associate Professor

PhD thesis: “The quality of life of patients with rheumatoid arthritis in outpatient stage of rehabilitation”, defense in 2004. Author of 57 publications. Research interests: rheumatology, cardiology, study of the quality of life and adaptation of the organism in various diseases in outpatient settings.
Зюзенков Михаил Васильевич

Deputy Head of medical work

Zyuzenkov Mikhail Vasilievich

ScD, Professor

Doctoral thesis: “Pathology of the heart in systemic lupus erythematosus (clinical, functional and morphological research)”. For labor merits he was awarded: The Jubilee Medal “For Valiant Labor” (1970), the Medal “Veteran of Labor” (1990). Author of 135 scientific publications. Research interests: rheumatology, cardiology.
Хурса Раиса Валентиновна

Deputy Head of research work

Khursa Raisa Valentinovna

PhD, Associate Professor

PhD thesis: “Development of a system for quantitative assessment of the activity and severity of the pathological process in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus”, defense in 1990. Author of 214 publications. Research interests: rheumatology, gastroenterology, cardiology, currently is developing and improving a fundamentally new method of quantitative analysis of systemic parameters of blood pressure
Микша Ядвига Станиславовна

Associate Professor

Miksha Yadviha Stanislavovna


PhD thesis: “Physiological features of hematopoiesis of the population of Belarus after the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident”. Author of 19 publications. Research interests: hematology, cardiology, pulmonology.
Трушина Анна Сергеевна

Associate Professor

Trueshina Anna Sergeevna


PhD thesis: “Comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis”, defense in 2012. Author of 16 publications. Research interests: rheumatology, research on the quality of life in various fields of medicine.
Karazei Alena

Associate Professor

Karazei Alena


PhD thesis: “The influence of anti-inflammatory therapy on the activity of the inflammatory process during the exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.”, defense in 2010. Author of 30 publications. Research interests: gastroenterology, pulmonology, therapy, clinical pharmacology.
Раткевич Ирина Михайловна

Assistant lecturer

Ratkevich Irina Mikhailovna

Research interests: endocrinology (disorders of bone metabolism, diabetes mellitus, multiple endocrine neoplasias).