Student's Club of Operative Surgery and Topographic Anatomy

Head: Gordionok Dmitry Mikhailovich
Headman: Oleg Igorevich Zhuk (Faculty of Medicine)

Student Club Meetings

Meetings of the SCM are held every Saturday in 1000, where reports on the basics of surgery of various specialties are read, as well as training in basic skills of working with tools and applying different types of sutures on cadaver material and simulators.

You must have a dressing gown or surgical suit, gloves, and, if possible, your own set of tools.

If you have any questions, please contact the curators of the relevant sections.

History of the circle

For a number of years, the department had a school circle, which was headed by Associate Professor V. M. Dechko. Many students of this circle later became students of the institute: Sheremetyevo, Chernikov, etc. The schoolgirl T. Sharsneva was later an active participant in the student circle, then-a post-graduate student of the department, currently-an employee of the Institute of Hematology, Candidate of Medical Sciences.

From 1988 to 1996, after joining the Department of Prof. A. G. Kryucha, the work of the SNK was led by Associate Professor V. M. Dechko. The work continued in the same direction as before. The students of Yu.Baranov, A. Ignatovich (they are now surgeons of the 10th clinical Hospital, Candidate of Medical Sciences), etc.

According to the results of research with the participation of students, more than 30 printed works were prepared and published.

Since 1997, the work of the SNK at the department has been led by Prof. A. A. Baeshko. Since this period, an independent section has been working: in 1997 - 2000 - cardiovascular surgery and experimental surgery, and since 2001 - the section of operative surgery and topographic anatomy. Every year, 14-17 students make presentations at scientific and student conferences.

Students of the club regularly make presentations at conferences in St. Petersburg (1997,1998), Moscow (1998,2000,2001, 2002).

In 2000, according to the results of the Republican review of the competition, out of seven submitted works, three received the 1st category, two - the second and two - the third; in 2001 - out of 5 and three-the 1st category; in 2001-three first and one second . In 2002, four works were submitted for the competition.

Among the former students-members of the circle are currently engaged in research and teaching activities-6 (Korsak SI., Kryzhova E. V., Baeshko A. A., Tikhon S. N., Markauzan P. V., Shersneva T. I.)

Work of the student scientific circle 2011/2012.

In the 2011-2012 academic year, as in previous years, the department had a scientific student circle, (rel. associate professor V. M. Dechko), the headman - a student of the 4th year N. Sanyukovich.

Over the past academic year, 32 meetings of the circle were held.

The meetings were held in two areas

  • oral presentations on various issues of operative surgery and topographic anatomy.
  • study of surgical instruments and practice of practical skills: knitting knots, techniques for performing various types of stitches.

Club meeting

On December 17, 2014, in the main building of the BSMU, an open meeting of the SNC of Operative Surgery and Topographic Anatomy was held.

This form of meeting management helps students cope with the excitement of speaking in front of the audience, listening to questions from the audience, adjust their research work, and identify shortcomings.

The members of the club presented their works, which will be presented at the annual April conference 'Current problems of Modern Medicine and Pharmacy-2015'.

Presentations were made on such topics as extirpation of the uterus, endovascular treatment of myocardial infarction, amputations of the lower extremities, the results of treatment of hypoplasia of the left heart.

The meeting was attended by 35 students and the entire faculty of the department.

For each meeting of the circle, preparations of the skin, intestines and blood vessels are prepared, on which students practice the technique of applying various types of sutures. Members of the club also prepare reviews of surgical journals, make thematic reports and report on the results of their research work. Students take an active part in the preparation and holding of the annual Olympiad on the subject «Topographic Anatomy and operative surgery», which is held in two stages: qualifying (intra-university) and republican.

Every year, works are prepared for participation in the scientific conference of students and young scientists «Actual problems of modern Medicine», according to the results of which works that have received diplomas of 1,2,3 degrees and 2-3 works at the request of the department have the opportunity to participate in the Republican review-competition of scientific works.

The main topic of students' research is diagnostics, prevention and surgical treatment of vascular and heart diseases.

This year the research work at the department is carried out in the following areas:

  • Topographical and anatomical characteristics of accesses and individual stages of surgical interventions on the organs of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space.
  • The current state of the issue of stenting of coronary vessels. Topographic and anatomical analysis of vascular bed lesions.
  • Study of techniques and improvement of techniques for performing various types of intestinal, vascular sutures, skin sutures.

Republican Olympiad

The final of the XXVI All-Russian Olympiad in Surgery with international participation in the First Sechenov Moscow State Medical University

On April 12-16, the final of the XXVI All - Russian Olympiad in Surgery with international participation was held in Moscow, at the First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov. The competition was attended by 25 teams, including 21 teams-winners of the Russian regional stages of the Olympiad, as well as teams from Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia and Ukraine. The Olympiad program has traditionally included competitions that reflect basic surgical skills.

The Olympiad was held at a high organizational level, the judges were well-known Russian scientists, academicians of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, professors and associate professors of medical universities, as well as practical doctors. Students were offered to solve complex clinical problems and practical tasks in all major areas of surgery.

Belarus was represented at the Olympics by the BSMU team consisting of 17 people:

Scientific director of the Department of Surgical Surgery and Topographic Anatomy, assistant-Gordionok D. M.

  1. Zhuk Oleg Igorevich-medical faculty;
  2. Ilya Denisovich Zamotin-Faculty of Pediatrics;
  3. Nikitkova Nika Sergeevna-Faculty of Pediatrics;
  4. Nevyglas Artem Vladimirovich-medical faculty;
  5. Margarita A. Adamtsevich – medical faculty;
  6. Zherko Irina Yuryevna-medical faculty;
  7. Petrashkevich Alexey Valentinovich-Military Medical Faculty;
  8. Solovyova Anna Yuryevna-medical faculty;
  9. Matskevich Polina Andreevna-medical faculty;
  10. Zhuk Evgeny Nikolaevich-Faculty of Pediatrics;
  11. Gurinovich Vladimir Vladimirovich-medical faculty;
  12. Zakrevskaya Elizaveta Vasilyevna-Faculty of Pediatrics;
  13. Andala Mikhail Anatolyevich-medical faculty;
  14. Zamaro Alexandra Sergeevna-medical faculty;
  15. Petukhovsky Anton Sergeevich-medical faculty;
  16. Kachan Alexey Anatolyevich-Pediatric Faculty.

Our students competed in all competitions and won the following diplomas:

  1. The 1st place in the competition «Desmurgia» was won by Petukhovsky A. S., Gurinovich V. V., Zakrevskaya E. V.
  2. 1st place in the contest «Abdominal Surgery» was won by Matskevich P. A., Zhuk E. I., Kachan A. A..
  3. 2nd place in the contest «Coloproctology» won Mackiewicz P. A., Zhuk E. I., Kachan A. A..
  4. 2nd place in the contest «Transplantation» won Samotin I. D, N. Zhitkova.C., Andal M. A., Zhuk O. I.
  5. 2nd place in the contest «Cardiac surgery» won Samotin I. D, N. Zhitkova.C., Andal M. A., Zhuk O. I.
  6. 3rd place in the contest «Urology» won Petrashkevich A. V., Jerko I. Yu, Solovieva A. Yu.

Our students successfully performed in other competitions, thanks to which the BSMU team took the 6th place among all 25 participating teams.

Congratulations to the BSMU team, the winners and participants of the All-Russian Olympiad in Surgery!

XXVIII Moscow International Student Olympiad in Surgery. Academician M. I. Perelman

April 9-13, 2019 at the Moscow State Medical University. Sechenov held the XXVIII Moscow International Student Olympiad in Surgery. Academician M. I. Perelman.

Teams of 30 medical universities from Russia, Mongolia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Japan took part in the Olympiad. The grand opening of the Olympiad took place on April 9 in the Congress Center of the Scientific and Technological Park of Biomedicine of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov.

The jury of the Olympiad consists of leading Russian and foreign experts, practicing surgeons.

Surgery is a matter of life

«Not every one of you will become a surgeon: this is how life develops – other interests appear. Those for whom it is a matter of life will go to surgery, who are able to think deeply about the plots of operations and master the art of performing them,» Sergey Gauthier, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chief Transplantologist of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Head of the Department of Transplantology and Artificial Organs of the I. M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, addressed the students with a welcoming speech. Sergey Vladimirovich recalled the words of M. I. Perelman said that 'the operation should be done according to the indications, on time, in full and beautifully – then there will be a good outcome» and wished future doctors success in any field that they choose in medicine.

Happiness-to serve surgery

Yuri Belov, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of the Department of Hospital Surgery at Sechenov University, winner of the State Prize of the Russian Federation, a leading cardiovascular surgeon in Russia, who for the first time performed a number of unique operations and opened a new direction in cardiac surgery, addressing the students said: «I have devoted my whole life to surgery, and the most difficult-thoracic thoracoabdominal aortic surgery, and I am happy. My whole life is surgery, and surgery can be a blessing for you if you go through all the difficulties and serve it faithfully. Go through life so that you can say, «I am a happy person!»

History of the Olympic movement

A brief history of the Moscow International Student Olympiad in Surgery. Academician M. I. Perelman was introduced by Sergey Dydykin, Head of the Department of Operative Surgery and Topographic Anatomy of the First Sechenov Moscow State Medical University, doctor, scientist, author of many patents in the field of surgical treatment. The teams have been competing since 1988: «When the Olympiad was just beginning, no one could have imagined that from applying individual stitches to the vessels and intestines, the participating students would move on to performing high-tech manipulations using the most complex techniques. For example, this year, participants will be given the opportunity to perform a craniotomy, perform a lung transplant, form a manual coloanal anastomosis, and many other operations that even experienced surgeons find difficult,»  said Sergey Dydykin.

The team of our country at the Olympiad was represented by 19 students of the Medical and Pediatric Faculty of BSMU, in addition, students of the Grodno State Medical University were included in the team.

Our team adequately coped with all the competitive tasks of the Olympiad and won the following prizes:

  1. The diploma of the 1st degree in the competition «Children's Cardiovascular Surgery» was won by: Ilya Zamotin, Nika Zhitkova, Mikhail Andala, Artem Pankratov;
  2. Diploma of the 1st degree in the competition «Removal of intracerebral hematoma» won: Artur Davidyan, Alexander Yurchenko;
  3. Diploma of the 2nd degree in the competition «Abdominal surgery».
Results of the qualifying stage of the II Republican Student Olympiad in Topographic Anatomy and Operative Surgery

On February 28, 2015, the qualifying stage of the II Republican Olympiad in the subject: «Topographic anatomy and operative surgery» with international participation was held, the final of which will be held on March 25-28 in Vitebsk. Students of the medical and pediatric faculties and the Faculty of Foreign Students of BSMU from the 3rd to the 6th courses took part in the qualifying stage.

The competition program of the Olympiad included tasks of the first and second stages. The first stage included the following competitions: «Vascular suture», «Intestinal suture», «Skin suture». The second stage: «Endoscopy», «Knitting surgical knots», «Knowledge of surgical instruments».

The jury members were teachers of the Department of Operative Surgery and Topographic Anatomy. Teachers of clinical disciplines and practicing surgeons also took part in the evaluation of the competition works: Alexey Protasevich – Associate Professor of the 1st Department of Surgical Diseases of the BSMU Educational Institution, Svetlana Klimuk-Assistant of the Department of General Surgery of the BSMU Educational Institution, Pavel Neverov – assistant of the 1st Department of Surgical Diseases of the BSMU Educational Institution, Alexander Karman – assistant of the 1st Department of Surgical Diseases of the BSMU Educational Institution, and Yulia Melnichuk-doctor – surgeon, UZ «36th city polyclinic of Minsk».

List of winners:


  • 1st place Konovalova Irina Sergeevna, Yaroshevich Marina Aleksandrovna
  • 2nd place Akhrem Ekaterina Igorevna, Levsha Elena Sergeevna
  • 3rd place Kholamov Alexey Igorevich, Petrashkevich Alexey Valentinovich

Vascular suture

  • 1st place Artur Karenovich Barsumyan, Alexander Leonidovich Chernyak
  • 2nd place Voropay Yegor Alexandrovich, Gaiduk Timofey Alexandrovich
  • 3rd place Dalimaeva Darya Aleksandrovna, Rud Angelina Vasilyevna

Knowledge of surgical instruments

  • 1st place Barsumyan Artur Karenovich, Chernyak Alexander Leonidovich
  • 2nd place Zabrodsky Evgeny Yuryevich, Ganchar Polina Vladimirovna
  • 3rd place Zhuk Oleg Igorevich, Porvatova Vera Vladimirovna

Knitting surgical knots

  • 1st place Nevyglas Artem Vladimirovich, Adamtsevich Margarita Aleksandrovna
  • 2nd place Kachan Alexey Anatolyevich, Yanushkevich Pavel Gennadievich
  • 3rd place Kuzmitsky Oleg Vitalievich, Petukhovsky Anton Sergeevich

Skin seam

  • 1st place Shilo Roman Vyacheslavovich, Bychkovsky Pavel Andreevich
  • 2nd place Kazachenok Ekaterina Aleksandrovna, Gomlyakova Maria Yuryevna
  • 3rd place Suslov Vladislav Sergeevich and Selyakh Eduard Albertovich


  • 1st place Konovalova Irina Sergeevna, Yaroshevich Marina Aleksandrovna
  • 2nd place Akhrem Ekaterina Igorevna, Lefty Elena Sergeevna
  • 3rd place Petrashkevich Alexey Valentinovich, Kholamov Alexey Igorevich

Intestinal suture

  • 1st place Gordionok Dmitry Mikhailovich, Kolesnik Viktor Vladimirovich
  • 2nd place Kholamov Alexey Igorevich, Petrashkevich Alexey Valentinovich
  • 3rd place Akhrem Ekaterina Igorevna, Lefty Elena Sergeevna

Despite the spirit of struggle, the guys supported each other in every possible way, shared their experience and helped each other. It is worth noting that among the winners there are third-year students, which reflects the present enthusiasm and desire for knowledge from the junior courses.

Based on the results of the qualifying stage, the BSMU team was formed to participate in the final at the end of March.

The list of students who will participate in the final of the Republican Olympiad, which will be held in Vitebsk on March 26-27, 2015:

  • Barsumyan Artur Karenovich, gr. 511
  • Gordionok Dmitry Mikhailovich, gr. 638
  • Kazachenok Ekaterina Aleksandrovna, gr. 641
  • Kolesnik Viktor Vladimirovich, gr. 544
  • Chernyak Alexander Leonidovich, gr. 638
  • Yaroshevich Marina Aleksandrovna, gr. 527

We wish success to our team!

The final of the II Republican Olympiad in Topographic Anatomy and Operative Surgery

On April 25-27, the city of Vitebsk hosted the final of the II Republican (with international participation) Olympiad in Topographic Anatomy and Operative Surgery. This year, our university passed the baton of the Olympiad to VSMU. Teams of all medical schools of our country, as well as guests from the Russian Federation – students of the Smolensk Medical University-gathered in the city on the Dvina River.

The head of the Department of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, S. S. Dydykin, was present as the guest of honor. All participants were cordially welcomed by the staff of the Department of Operative Surgery and Topographic Anatomy of the VSMU, headed by Vyacheslav V. Stanovenko. The host party organized a tour of the city with a visit to the Marc Chagall Museum, as well as an equally interesting tour of the Vitebsk University, where the newly opened morphological building evokes a sense of joy and pride for the teaching staff and students, since all classrooms are equipped with the latest science and technology.

Competitions of the Olympiad were held in two stages: 1 day-theoretical problems, knitting of surgical knots, laparoscopy; 2 day-suture of the intestine, blood vessels, and skin. The team of BSMU included students of the 5th-6th year of the Faculty of Medicine: Artur Barsumyan (team captain), Alexander Chernyak, Ekaterina Kazachenok, Marina Yaroshevich, Dmitry Gordionok, Viktor Kolesnik under the guidance of Professor of the department Sergey Dmitrievich Denisov and assistant Elena Aleksandrovna Klui. Our team joined the fight together and purposefully. As in any competition, all participants, and ours are no exception, strive to win. But it was not enough to show your skills, you also had to cope with the excitement, be able to defend your tactics among strict and experienced judges, and a little luck for success did not hurt anyone!

In each competition, the competent jury determined the winners and the highest result was shown by our girls Ekaterina Kazachenok (641 gr.) and Marina Yaroshevich (527 gr.), who took the 1st place in the competition «skin seam». Our guys became «bronze» winners in the competitions: «intestinal suture» (Dmitry Gordionok, 638 gr. with Viktor Kolesnik, 544 gr.) and «vascular suture» (Artur Barsumyan, 511 gr. and Alexander Chernyak, 638 gr.).

The participants of the BSMU team once again showed a high level of practical and theoretical training, but in the team competition, our team shared second place with the team from Smolensk. The third place was taken by students from the Grodno Medical University, and the winners in the team competition were the hosts of the Olympiad – Vitebsk residents.

Congratulations to all the participants, those who prepared and held this event at a high level! The joy of communication, the exchange of experience and new acquaintances is a good purchase for all participants. We wish all students to further deepen and improve their theoretical and practical skills, and to show the best result at the next, III Republican Olympiad in Topographic Anatomy and Operative Surgery!

I Republican Olympiad in the academic discipline «Topographic anatomy and operative surgery»

On April 11, the First Republican Olympiad in the academic discipline «Topographic Anatomy and Operative Surgery» was held at the Department of Operative Surgery and Topographical Anatomy, which was attended by students from four medical universities of our country. To participate in the I Republican Olympiad, students had to pass the qualifying stage at their home universities, during which 6 of the strongest students were selected.

The competition program of the Olympiad was very rich and included competitions of the first and second stages. The first stage was represented by competitions: «Intestinal suture», «Vascular suture», «Skin suture», the second stage: «Endoscopy», «Surgical instruments», «Desmurgy».

Interesting and exciting contests pleasantly surprised not only the participants, but also the members of the judging panels. We came to support and evaluate the work of young surgeons:

  • Vorobey A.V.-Head of the Department of Surgery of GUO BelMAPO, MD, Professor;
  • Alekseyev S. A.-Head of the Department of General Surgery at BSMU, MD, Professor;
  • Averin V. I.-Head of the Department of Pediatric Surgery of the BSMU Educational Institution, MD, Professor;
  • Protasiewicz A. I. - associate Professor of the 1st Department of surgical diseases of EE «Belarusian state medical University», PhD;
  • Neverov P. S. - associate Professor of the 1st Department of surgical diseases of EE «Belarusian state medical University», PhD;
  • Degtyarev G. – associate Professor of Department of pediatric surgery of EE «Belarusian state medical University», PhD;
  • The Lemeshevsky A. I. - associate Professor of the Department of General surgery of EE «Belarusian state medical University»;
  • Koshevsky P. P.-Assistant of the Department of General Surgery of the UE «BSMU»;
  • Zhuk E. V.-Assistant of the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics of the UE «BSMU»;
  • Of stanowisko V. V. - Professor of the Department of topographic anatomy and operative surgery of EE «Vitebsk state medical University», PhD;
  • Doroshkevich V. S. - head of the course of topographic anatomy and operative surgery EE «GSMU», PhD;
  • Kudla V. V. – assistant of the Department of topographic anatomy and operative surgery EE «GMU».

In addition to the staff of the surgical departments of medical universities, the judicial commissions also included practicing surgeons:

  • Dedovich V. V.-Head of the Cardiosurgical Department No. 2 of the Russian National Research Center «Cardiology»;
  • Sevrukevich V. I.-Head of the Cardiosurgical Department No. 3 of the Russian National Research Center «Cardiology»;
  • ив Sivets N. F.-head of the surgical department of the US «6th GKB», MD;
  • Руст Rustamov Kh. N. - surgeon of the 1st Traumatological department of combined injuries of the US GC BSMP in Minsk;
  • Sanyukovich N. V.-doctor-surgeon of the Pruzhanskaya CRH Hospital.

As a result of the First Republican Olympiad in the academic discipline «Topographic Anatomy and Operative Surgery», the team of the Vitebsk State Medical University was awarded a first-degree diploma in the team competition. Slightly inferior, the second degree diploma was awarded to the team of the educational Institution «Belarusian State Medical University». The third degree diploma was awarded to the team of the educational institution «Grodno State Medical University». In addition to the team competition, the students who showed the best result in the individual championship were determined in each competition.

So the best result in the competition «Intestinal suture» and «Endoscopy» was shown by the surgical team of Gordionok D. M. (509 group of the medical faculty) and Golyak Yu. V. (532 group of the medical faculty) of the BSMU Educational Institution, in the competition «Vascular suture» - Kostyakhina G. A. (502 group of the medical faculty) and Drozd T. V. (502 group of the medical faculty) of the GrSMU Educational Institution; in the competition «Skin suture» - Lashkov A. A. (402 group of the medical faculty) and Ivanov A.V. (611 group of the Faculty of Medicine) of the Higher Educational Institution «VSMU»; in the competition «Surgical instruments» - Kostyukovich E. V. (637 group of the Faculty of Medicine) and Chernyak A. L. (516 group of the medical faculty) UE «BSMU», in the competition «Desmurgy' - Abdullaev Yu. (543 group of the medical faculty) and Kornilov A.V. (536 group of the medical faculty) UE «VSMU».

I would like to express my gratitude to the company «Football», the company «BelAseptika», the Belarusian Trade Union Committee of Health Workers, the Trade Union Committee of Students of the UE «BSMU» for the assistance provided in financing and organizing the event.

It is important to note that, despite the spirit of competition and a strong desire to win, all the guys supported each other, shared their experience, and at the end of the Olympiad they congratulated the winners, thereby demonstrating their collegiality and respect for each other.

You guys are great fellows, winners, the best students of your universities! You have shown everyone your highest level of knowledge, talent and commitment. Strive to continue to win! Learn, experiment, learn new things, and inspire others!

74th Scientific and Practical Conference of Students and Young Scientists with International Participation «Actual Problems of Modern Medicine and Pharmacy – 2020»

On April 15-17, 2020, the department held a breakout session within the framework of the 74th Scientific and Practical Conference of Students and Young Scientists with international participation «Actual Problems of Modern Medicine and Pharmacy-2020».

All reports covered the current problems of modern health care and earned a positive assessment of the jury. Based on the results of the discussion, the following winners were determined:

  • 1st place: Novoseltseva Yu. A., Kolovandina A. A. Surgical treatment of embryonic hernias. Gastroschisis Scientific director, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assoc. Kryzhova E. V.
  • 2nd place: Vecherskaya A. A., Yaroshchik T. M. Interdisciplinary approach in the treatment of old and incorrectly fused bone fractures of the craniofacial region Scientific supervisors Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assoc. Kovalevich K. M., Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assoc. Dudich O. N.
  • 3rd place: Mashchar N. V. Comparative characteristics of different types of colostomy Research supervisor Candidate of Medical Sciences, Prof. Denisov S. D.