Scientific and research work of Occupational Hygiene

The main traditional areas of scientific research at the Department of Occupational Hygiene are:

  • toxicological and hygienic assessment of new chemicals introduced into production;
  • hygienic assessment of working conditions, labor process and health status of various categories of the population (workers, students);
  • hygienic assessment of human habitat factors and assessment of the risk to life and health of the population.

The department carried out toxicological and hygienic research of new chemicals introduced into various sectors of the national economy. So, within the framework of the State Scientific and Technical Programm “Agrocomplex - the revival and development of the village” and a number of other programs for about 10 years, the primary toxicological assessment of more than 30 samples of new mineral fertilizers developed by the Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry was carried out, toxicological passports for field testing of fertilizers and their introduction into agriculture were developed.

In collaboration with the employees of the Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Hygiene, 2 monographs have been published. The department trained 5 undergraduates in Hygiene.


Since the establishment of the department, its employees have defended 9 candidate and 2 doctoral dissertations on various topical issues of hygiene. The dissertations are based on research carried out at the departments of the faculty, together with the laboratories of the Scientific and Practical Center of Hygiene and other scientific organizations. Research has made a significant contribution to the development of hygiene and prevention of the adverse effects of environmental factors on the health of the population.

The accumulated experience made it possible to improve methodological approaches to conducting sanitary-hygienic and toxicological studies and was reflected in the development of rationalization proposals, sanitary norms and rules, hygienic standards, instructions for use by the teaching staff, which are used in the implementation of state sanitary supervision in the Republic of Belarus and when carrying out research work.