Educational work of Occupational Hygiene

The organization of educational and methodological work of the Department of Occupational Hygiene is based on the continuity of the educational process and its methodological support for the training of scientists (student - undergraduate - postgraduate student) and medical specialists (student - intern doctor - specialist doctor).


Much attention is paid in the department to improve the educational process and methodological work. In the process of studying at the department, students conduct a survey of working conditions at the largest industrial enterprises of the republic. When conducting classes on the basis of hygiene and epidemiology centers in Minsk, students gain practical skills in conducting state sanitary supervision in the field of environmental hygiene and occupational hygiene and ensuring laboratory control over the factors of the human environment.

The Department of Occupational Health is the developer of educational standards, educational programs on environmental and occupational hygiene for students of Faculty of Preventive medicine, according to which these disciplines are taught in medical universities of the republic.

The educational process at the department is closely related to educational work. On the initiative of the Department of Occupational Hygiene in 2006, together with the Hygienic Departments, the first Hygiene Olympiad for students was held, now it is already an annual intellectual competition for students not only of the BSMU, but also of other medical universities. Much attention is paid not only to intellectual, but also to cultural education and organization of students' leisure. The department, together with the student trade union committee of students, has repeatedly organized tourist trips around the republic.
