Medical work of General Surgery

Therapeutic and diagnostic work is carried out by employees of the Department of General Surgery in accordance with cooperation agreements at six main clinical sites:

  • УЗ «3 city clinical hospital named after Е. В. Клумова»
  • УЗ «4 city clinical hospital named after Н. Е. Савченко»
  • УЗ «5 city clinical hospital»
  • УЗ «6 city clinical hospital»
  • УЗ «Minsk district clinical hospital»
  • «Main Military Clinical medical center #432 of the Military Forces of the Republic of Belarus

The main clinical base is the 3city clinical hospital named after E.V. Klumov". Head of the department and head of this base is prof. Doctor of MedicineС. A. Alekseev. Also, associate professors Bovtyuk N.Ya., Lemeshevsky A.I., Popkov O.V., Ginyuk V.A., Koshevsky P.P., and assistant prof., PhD Tarasenko A.V. work at the clinical base.

Employees of the department improve existing methods, and propose and implement new methods of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of various surgical pathologies in the departments of general and septic surgery, vascular surgery and vascular surgery with septic complications, and traumatology departments. Also, therapeutic and diagnostic assistance is provided on elective and emergency basis through the State Institution "Republican Center for Organization of Medical Response", in the professorial advisory center of the educational institution "BSMU" "Professor", in the student advisory clinic on a functional basis for students of the educational institution "BSMU", and various outpatient clinics - polyclinic healthcare institutions in Minsk and Minsk region.

The priority areas of therapeutic, diagnostic and scientific work at all clinical sites are laparoscopic and minimally invasive surgery of the gastrointestinal tract, functional sphincter- and organ-preserving surgical gastroenterology, coloproctology, herniology, osteoplastic surgery in patients with osteomyelitis using cellular technologies and other various sections of septic surgery using cellular technologies. New scientific technologies developed by the staff of the department and practical doctors are introduced at the clinical bases of the department. Employees of the department perform the most complex surgical interventions, conduct rounds, consultations, act as experts in the analysis of complaints, participating in the work of commissions under the orders of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus and the Health Committee of the Minsk City Executive Committee. Active promotion of medical knowledge is carried out in the press, on radio and on TV, as lectures for practicing doctors, certification of doctors and clinical residents.

Methods of laparoscopic cholecystectomy and mini-access cholecystectomy using the “Mini-Assistant” kit, laparoscopic hernioplasty, laparoscopic fundoplication in the treatment of patients with hiatal hernia and gastroesophageal reflux disease, minimally invasive technologies in the treatment of obstructive jaundice of benign origin have been introduced into the clinical practice of surgical departments, as well as modern technologies for conservative and surgical treatment of paraproctitis and chronic hemorrhoids, diagnosis and treatment of emergency pathology of the abdominal organs in pregnant women using video laparoscopy, modern methods of local treatment of wounds.

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2 (2).jpgThe different specializations of the supervised departments determine the variety of diseases in patients who get medical care every day from the department’s staff. Most of the department's employees have the highest and first qualification categories in surgery, coloproctology, traumatology and orthopedics, and vascular surgery.

In the surgical department 3 of the city clinical hospital named after E.V. Klumov, they provide care to patients with urgent and elective surgical pathology.

The BSMU department and departments of the clinical hospital work in continuous interaction.

With the immediate participation and guidance of department staff, new methods of diagnosis and treatment of surgical and coloproctological diseases are constantly being introduced, new approaches and technologies are being invented. Thus, for more than 10 years the clinic has successfully used the methods of surgical correction of hiatal hernia developed at the department, (associate professor N.Ya. Bovtyuk (PhD thesis defended) and professor G.P. Rychagov), there is a patent for its own tension-free technique hernioplasty (G.P. Rychagov, candidate of the department A.A. Valchuk). Alekseev S.A., Koshevsky P.P., Semenchuk I.D., Bovtyuk N.Ya. developed and implemented a method of combined minimally invasive surgical treatment of obstructive jaundice and biliary hypertension of benign origin, the essence of which is the use of a nonspecific detoxification method using a device that generates ozone in the body’s own tissues, which allows reducing the drug burden on the patient (a candidate’s dissertation was also defended). Work on S.V. Novikov’s dissertation, dedicated to modern methods of surgical treatment of ventral hernias, is being completed; the results of the study have also been tested and introduced into the practice of the department.

The surgical department uses modern treatment methods, including minimally invasive and endoscopic interventions for diseases of the stomach and intestines, hernias of the anterior abdominal wall, benign tumor diseases of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space. The department's employees perform the full range of elective and emergency operations, among other things, training young doctors and interns, clinical residents, 3rd and 5th year students. The department has introduced and actively uses minimally invasive interventions for abdominal cavity lesions, laparoscopic techniques in perforated ulcer and acute appendicitis, including urgent pathology in pregnant women. In the candidate's thesis of assistant Amelchenya (Fateeva) O.A., dedicated to the problem of acute appendicitis during pregnancy, an original approach is given that allows solving the problem of this common surgical pathology with minimal trauma, reducing the risks for both the woman and the fetus, and substantiates the pathogenetic approach to postoperative management of such patients. Also Amelchenya O.A. and Professor G.P. Rychagov have developed special tools for laparoscopy in pregnant women, minimizing the likelihood of iatrogenic damage to the pregnant uterus when placing the first trocar during laparoscopy.

Since January 2019, the department’s base has been the health care institution “4th City Clinical Hospital named after N.E. Savchenko” (department of vascular surgery and department of septic surgery).

The clinical base is headed by prof. Khryshchanovich V. Ya., also associate professors Rogovoy N. A., Pavlov A. G. assistant prof. Yanushko V.Ya., assistant prof., Ph.D. Klimchuk I. P., assistant prof., Ph.D. Kalinin S.S. work here.


Priority areas are problems of vascular surgery, diseases of the aorta and brachiocephalic arteries, peripheral vessels, purulent-septic complications, surgical minimally invasive phlebology.

According to the order of the Health Committee of the Minsk City Executive Committee, on February 3, 2003, City vascular surgery center was opened at the City Clinical Hospital named after N.E. Savchenko. The main task of the created department was to provide emergency and planned angiosurgical care to residents of the city of Minsk.

Since 2011, a City vascular surgery center has been organized on the basis of the vascular surgery department. The vascular center includes: a department of vascular surgery, a department of septic surgery for complicated vascular pathology, and an angiography room. The Department of Vascular Surgery provides both elective and emergency specialized care to patients with pathology of the aorta and main arteries, various combined arterial damage, as well as patients with venous pathology. The department performs high-tech and hybrid surgeries on the aorta and its branches, main arteries, and all types of modern surgical interventions for varicose veins of the lower extremities. The Department of Vascular Surgery performs more than 1,500 operations per year.


med-18032021-3.jpeg3.jpegThe department of septic surgery for complicated vascular pathology provides highly qualified planned care to patients with purulent and necrotic complications requiring reconstructive operations on blood vessels, as well as venous pathology. High-quality provision of inpatient surgical care to city patients with septic surgical diseases, outpatient consultation to patients with angiosurgical pathology, accompanied by purulent and necrotic complications.

The angiography room performs hybrid operations on the main arteries of the lower extremities, endovascular interventions for pathology of brachiocephalic vessels, implantation of stent grafts for abdominal aortic aneurysms.

The head of the clinical base '5th City Clinical Hospital' is Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of General Surgery, Associate Professor Sivets N.F. Associate Professors Nekhaev A.N., Levchenko P.A., assistant Klimuk S.A. also work at the clinic.

Since September 2019, the health care institution “Minsk Central Regional Clinical Hospital” (department of planned emergency and purulent surgery) is the department’s base.

The clinical base is headed by Associate Professor PhD Antiperovich O.F. The clinic also employs associate professor Chur S.N., associate professor Fateeva O.A., associate professor Derkachev V.S.


By the decision of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee in June 2020 “On the renaming of the health care institution “Minsk Central Regional Hospital”, the Minsk Central District Hospital was renamed the Minsk Central Regional Clinical Hospital.

The Central Regional Clinical Hospital has a surgical department with 80 beds (elective, emergency and septic), a modern intensive care unit with 12 beds. There are high-tech diagnostic services: CT (with angiocontrast and 3D), expert-class ultrasound, endoscopy department.


The priority areas of activity of the clinical base are the problems of emergency surgery, endoscopic surgery, diseases of the biliary system, pancreatology, herniology, purulent-septic complications, diabetic foot, tissue and laser technologies.

A wide range of surgical interventions are performed in emergency surgery (including endoscopic). Drainage operations are performed under ultrasound guidance. Elective surgery with minimally invasive interventions also performed. New approaches and methods of surgical treatment of abdominal hernias, diabetic foot, and laser minimally invasive phlebology are being developed and introduced into clinical practice. An important part of the work is consulting assistance in all departments of the hospital.


Scientific and practical conferences on a wide range of issues are regularly held at the base of the Department of General Surgery.


At the 432nd Main Military Clinical Center of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus, the training of students and the supervision of patients is carried out by associate professor Viktor Sergeevich Derkachev (specializing in traumatology and orthopedics). Taking into account the specifics of the clinic, a study is being carried out here as part of the preparation of V.S. Derkachev’s doctoral dissertation, dedicated to the treatment of complicated fractures, incl. gunshot, using cellular technologies (scientific supervisor - Professor S.A. Alekseev). V.S. Derkachev takes an active part in the treatment process, training of staff and students.

Since 2023, the 6th city clinical hospital has become our new base of the department (the head of the base is associate professor I.D. Semenchuk).

Employees of the department constantly improve their knowledge and skills, undergo internships in the Republic of Belarus and abroad, attend congresses and conferences at various levels.

The department independently and in association with other BSMU departments and institutions holds meetings of the Society of Surgeons of Minsk and the Minsk Region, presenting the most interesting cases from clinical practice.