On the procedure of granting discounts of the Medical Faculty for International Students

1. When granting discounts to the University students who have achieved high grades in academic, research and social performance, the scores obtained by a University student in the previous academic year are taken into account including those in educational, research and public activities.

2. High grades in educational activity mean that by the end of the previous academic year the University student has at least 50 percent of 10 (ten) and 9 (nine) grades and the remaining grades are not less than 6 (six) points.

3.  High scores in research activities mean that the student:

3.1. has at least one scientific publication (article, abstracts) based on the results of scientific and practical events (seminars, conferences, congresses), including those prepared in co-authorship;

3.2. has made a report/presentation at the 'Topical Problems of Modern Medicine” Annual University Student Conference;

3.3. has made a report /presentation at scientific conferences outside the University.

4. Social work is a mandatory type of extracurricular activity of University students aimed at the formation of socially significant competencies of future specialists, their intellectual and creative development. The student gets high scores in public activities in cases when he/she participates:

4.1. in the work of Student Self-Governing Bodies (Faculty or Hostel Student Councils, or is the leader of the Student Stream or Group);

4.2. in the work of public organizations or interest clubs (sports, artistic and creative) or is a volunteer of Student Construction Team Movement).

Scale of discounts for University students who have achieved high performance in academic, research and social activity

Average academic performance Discount amount (as a percentage of the generated tuition fee)
From 7,46 to 8.25 20
From 8.25 to 9.0 40
Over  9.0 60 60