Research activities of the department of Traumatology and Orthopedics

The objectives of this direction of the department's work are to improve early diagnosis, shorten the time and achieve optimal results in the treatment of patients with severe injuries of the extremities, diseases of the bones and large joints in children and adults, the development of new approaches in the treatment of orthopedic pathology of the hand and foot.

As a result of scientific research already carried out by the staff of the department, it was possible to increase the efficiency of early diagnosis and treatment of injuries of the rotator cuff of the shoulder (by prof. E. Makarevich). The diagnostic algorithm for detecting injuries and diseases of the bones and ligaments of the wrist was developed, followed by computer modeling of the proposed surgical intervention to achieve the best functional results of treatment (by prof. A. Volotovski). Clear approaches to the treatment of injuries to the bones and soft tissues of the hand have been formulated (by assoc. prof. A. Bespalchuk). Proposed and actively used in the treatment of complications of injuries, as well as complications of the applied methods of treatment (mainly surgical) methods of eradication of infection (by assoc. prof. A. Martinovich). Schemes for the surgical treatment of transverse flat feet in adults, including those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, have been developed (by assoc. professor E. Mikhnovich). The original methods of treatment of congenital pathology of the upper extremities have been developed (by assoc. professor A. Bespalchuk). Offered complex options for the treatment of fractures of the tibial condyles, including with the use of modern possibilities of physiotherapeutic treatment (by assoc. professor V. Vrublevski). Methods of differential diagnosis and treatment of non-traumatic knee synovitis in children and young patients have been developed (by assoc. Prof. S. Tretyak). Algorithms for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic instability of the patella were proposed (by assoc. prof. E. Zhuk).

The staff of the department constantly participate in scientific conferences and congresses of traumatologists-orthopedists both in the Republic of Belarus and abroad. The results of research work are presented at such prestigious international conventions as SICOT (International Society of Traumatology and Orthopedics), EFORT (European Federation of National Societies of Traumatology and Orthopedics), ISAKOS (International Society of Specialists in Arthroscopy, Sports Orthopedics and Knee Surgery), ESSKA (European Association for Sports Orthopedics, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy), etc.The staff of the department, as well as under their leadership, is currently actively working on the development of the most effective, minimally invasive methods for treating injuries of the Lisfranc joint, treating large bone defects after complicated fractures of the leg, developing reconstructive methods for treating congenital hand pathology, introducing the most effective methods of periarticular anesthesia in perioperative period for large joints prosthetics.