Lecturers – Department of Biology

Давыдов Владимир Витольдович

Head of the department

Vladimir Davydov

Dzerzhinski Ave., 83, building 5, office 416

Hygienist, biologist, Ph.D. in Biology, Associate Professor (Department of Biology) Vladimir Davydov graduated from the Sanitary and Hygienic Faculty of Minsk State Medical Institution in 1989. From 1989 to 1990 he was an intern lecturer at the Department of Biology, from 1990 to 1996 and from 1999 to 2001 - assistant professor of the Department. After graduation from postgraduate studies (1996-1999) in 2000, he defended his thesis for the Ph.D. research 'Influence of mebendazole, cyclosporine A and their combinations on morphophysiological and biochemical indicators in experimental trichinosis'. In 2010, V.V. Davydov was given a personal allowance to his salary for his outstanding contribution to the development of higher education in Belarus. In 2011 he was awarded the decoration'Excellent Educator'. In 2011 he was awarded the decoration 'Excellent Healthcare Professional'. From 2001 to 2011 he worked as an associate professor of the department, the academic title was awarded in 2003. From 2007 to 2012 he was the coordinator of the innovative educational project 'Computer Testing at BSMU'. From 2011 to 2012 he headed the educational and methodical department of BSMU, from September 2012 to 2018 he was the dean of the Medical Faculty of Foreign Students. Since August 30, 2019 V. Davydov has been the head of the Biology Department. The field of scientific research - biochemical aspects of trichinosis, the study of genomes of monohistal and polygostal parasites, molecular and genetic aspects of co-evolution in the host-parasite system. Currently working on the topic 'Molecular genetic and epidemiological characteristics of viral hepatitis E'.
Черноус Евгений Анатольевич

Senior teacher

Yevgeny Chernous

Dzerzhinski Ave., 83, building 5, office 407

In November E. Chernous was enrolled in full-time postgraduate course in the Department of Biology. Topic of the PhD thesis was'Coevolution of mitochondrial respiratory enzymes and their encoding mRNA components of 'parasite-host' systems in trichinellosis and ascariasis', scientific supervisor - Head of Biology Department, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Butvilovsky V.E. Since January 2010 he is a fellow of the Special Fund of the President of the Republic of Belarus to support young scientists.
Григорович Виктор Васильевич

Senior teacher

Victor Grigorovich

Dzerzhinski Ave., 83, building 5, office 414

In 2015 passed the exams of the candidate minimum.Author of electronic educational and methodical complexes: for specialties 1-79 01 'Medical Business', 1-79 01 02 'Pediatrics', 1-79 01 03 'Medical and Preventive Business' 1-79 01 07 'Dentistry' 'Pharmacy' for students of the preparatory department. Manages the organization of teaching in English and the support of EEMC.
Корбут Юлия Игоревна

Senior teacher

Julia Korbut

Dzerzhinski Ave., 83, building 5, office 412

Julia Korbut graduated from the Faculty of Preventive Medicine, Belarusian State Medical University in 2017. She completed an internship at the Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Minsk, Belarus, specializing in General Hygiene. Julia has been working at the Department of Biology, Belarusian State Medical University since 2018.
Author and co-author of more than 20 publications.
Area of scientific interests: prevention of parasitic diseases.

Тарасевич Ирина Станиславовна

Irina Tarasevich

Dzerzhinski Ave., 83, building 5, office 417

Подберезкина Альбина Леоновна

Albina Podberyozkina

Dzerzhinski Ave., 83, building 5, office 415

Marina Bobkova

Marina Bobkova

Dzerzhinski Ave., 83, building 5, office 415