Educational and methodological work – Department of Biology

"Medical biology and general genetics" - for 1st year students of medical, pediatric, military-medical, medical-preventive, dental faculties and medical faculty of foreign students;

"Biology" - for the 1st year students of the Faculty of Pharmacy;

"Biology" - for the students of the preparatory department of the faculty of vocational guidance and pre-university training, who are citizens of the Republic of Belarus, as well as for listeners - foreign citizens.

The students of the faculties of General Medicine, Pediatrics, Preventive medicine and Military Medicine study Medical Biology and General Genetics during 2 semesters. The program includes the main sections of "Molecular Biology and Cytogenetics'", "General Genetics with the Fundamentals of Medical Genetics", "Parasitology", "Developmental Biology".

Training the students of the Faculty of Pharmacy (full-time form of education) occurs during the 1st semester with 9 lectures and 19 laboratory classes. Training of students of pharmaceutical faculty (correspondence form of education) provides 2 lectures and 4 laboratory classes during 2 sessions, and also written control work.


Training the students of the Faculty of Dentistry occurs during the 1st semester with 13 lectures and 19 classes. The classes for the foreign students are conducted both in Russian and in English. The department prepared teaching materials for teaching foreign students in English.

Assessment of students is in the form of a written exam. The final grade is formed by the cumulative system, which includes an average annual score of student progress, the results of passing colloquiums and examinations, taking into account his rating of research activity in the department.