The Student Science Club of department of Radiation Diagnostics and Radiation Therapy

Head: Associate Professor Aleshkevich Alexander Iosifovich.
Headman: Elizaveta Petrovna Titova (medical faculty, 4th year)

The meetings of the circle at the Department of Radiation Diagnostics and Radiation Therapy are held monthly.

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Main directions:

  • Study the possibilities of the latest medical imaging technologies, the most common diseases of the lungs, musculoskeletal system, gastrointestinal tract, brain and spine;
  • Scientific work: studying the basics of medical statistics, collecting scientific materials, preparing scientific articles and presentations, presenting reports at scientific and practical conferences.

The Student Scientific Circle was first organized in 1964, in which 3 students were engaged. In 1987, during a student scientific conference, a section of radiologists and radiologists was organized for the first time, where 10 reports were heard. Students took part in international scientific conferences (Moscow, Tomsk, Obninsk, Kotovitsy, Republic of Poland, St. Petersburg).

At the meetings of the student circle, students can familiarize themselves in more detail with the possibilities of various methods of radiation diagnostics. In connection with the active introduction of ultrasound, CT and MRI into practice, an in-depth study of these technologies of medical imaging is being carried out. Attention is paid to the issues of protection from harmful biological effects of ionizing radiation.

In connection with the increase in the frequency of oncological diseases at the meetings of the circle, the possibilities of both diagnostics and radiation therapy of tumors are considered.

In recent years, the scientific level of student works presented at scientific student conferences has increased in connection with the high methodological level of teachers who determine the topics for research work on modern technologies of medical imaging.

Reports at the meetings of the circle in 2020:

  1. Skripskaya A.A. gr. 1318, Yatskevich Yu.O. gr. 1322 “Ultrasound diagnostics of teratogenesis”.
  2. Mikhnovets M.S. gr. 1316. “Boron-neutron capture theory”.
  3. Lybzikova N.D. gr. 2301, Zmitrovich A.Yu. gr. 2301 “Comparative characteristics of computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging in various kidney diseases.”
  4. Matyulevich V.V. gr. 1301, A. V. Kotovich gr. 1317. “Ultrasound diagnosis of prostate cancer.”
  5. Ragoysha E.M. gr. 1322, Yushkevich E.S. gr. 1326. “Application of the BI-RADS scale in breast ultrasound examination”.
  6. Khinevich E.S. gr. 1318, Zhitko D.V. gr. 1318 “MRI of the small pelvis in women.”
  7. Primak A.M. gr. 1316, N.V. Kutuzova gr. 1304 “PET diagnosis of malignant brain diseases.”
  8. Borodin D.I. gr. 1324 “Description of X-ray syndromes in pulmonary tuberculosis.”

Student scientific works:

  1. Bondareva A.A. , gr. 1304, Bylinskaya V.G. , gr. 1304. Neurosonography as an early screening method for detecting brain abnormalities and injuries in newborns. Scientific adviser: Assoc. Professor Aleshkevich A.I.
  2. Kutuzova N.V.  gr. 1304, Karneevich E.Yu.  gr. 1324. PET / CT method in the diagnosis of melanoma. Scientific adviser: assistant Senko K.V.
  3. Kapitonov A.A.  gr. 2404, Tsynkevich V.V. gr. 2404. The use of AI technologies in the diagnosis of diseases of the chest organs. Scientific adviser: Assist. Kachur S.L.
  4. Borodin D.I.  gr. 1324, Arbuzova A.A.  gr. 2301. Features of X-ray manifestations of pulmonary tuberculosis. Scientific adviser: Assist. Kachur S.L.
  5. Tchaikovskaya A.M.  gr. 1324. Characterization of body composition in women with normal and overweight according to X-ray double faton absorptiometry. Scientific adviser: Assist. Kachur S.L.
  6. Sevrukevich V.V.  gr. 1324, Stukan N.A.  gr. 1324. The role of computed tomography in the early diagnosis of infectious complications after cardiac surgery. Scientific adviser: Assist. Kachur S.L.
  7. Short V.A. gr. 2511. Evaluation of the effectiveness of systemic thrombolytic therapy in patients with ischemic stroke on the example of the UZ “GK BSMP”. Scientific adviser: assistant Senko K.V.