Teachers of Pharmaceutical Technology

Голяк Наталья Степановна

Head of the department

Golyak Natalia Stepanovna

Ph.D., associate professor

Dissertation defense year and topic of dissertation: In 2002 she defended dissertation for the degree Ph.D. in pharmaceutical sciences. The topic of the dissertation is «Development of technology, biopharmaceutical research and standardization of sorbitol syrups». Research interests: pharmaceutical development of transdermal dosage forms.
Царенков Валерий Минович


Tsarenkov Valeriy Minovich


Dissertation defense year and topic of dissertation: In 1977 he defended dissertation for the degree Ph.D. in pharmaceutical sciences. The topic of the dissertation «Research in the process of obtaining extracts in the production of insulin». In 1990 he defended dissertation for the degree Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences. The topic of the dissertation is «Theoretical and technological aspects of the development of organotherapy drugs». Research interests: industrial production of medicines.
Шакуро Наталия Федоровна

Deputy head of the Department on educational work

Shakuro Natalia Federovna

Ph.D, Associate Professor

ВYear and topic of the dissertation: in 2001 defended her dissertation on the topic 'Preparation of mullite-thialite ceramic materials based on chemically precipitated mixtures'. Research interests: industrial production of medicines, theory and practice of training.
Пархач Маргарита Евгеньевна

Deputy head of the Department on research work

Parkhach Margarita Evgenievna

Ph.D., Associate Professor

1987 - defense of the Ph.D dissertation 'Influence of medicinal substances on the catalysis of oxidation by transition metals and stabilization of aqueous solutions of easily oxidizing drugs' in the specialty 'Medicines Technology and Organization of Pharmaceutical Business'.

Deputy head of the Department on ideological work

Kovtun Yulia Vladimirovna

Ph.D., Associate Professor

Year and topic of dissertation: in 1997 defended dissertation on the topic “Development of technology and research of physical and chemical properties of lipophilic flower pollen extract”. Research interests: research of substances of natural origin for the purpose of their use as components in cosmetics of various dosage forms; development of the composition and research of properties of cosmetic products of therapeutic and preventive action.
Сушинская Ольга Александровна

Senior Lecturer

Sushinskaya Olga Aleksandrovna

Master of Pharmaceutical Sciencesь

In 2017 completed a master's degree at the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology in the specialty 1-79-80-30 “Technology of Drugs and Organization of Pharmaceutical business”. Research interests - pharmaceutical development of medicinal products, biopharmaceutical research of external dosage forms.
Сечко Ольга Григорьевна


Sechko Olga Grigorievna

Master of pharmaceutical science

Research interests: study of safety and efficacy of compounds with anti-tuberculosis activity.
Мальченкова Светлана Степановна


Malchenkova Svetlana Stepanovna

Master of pharmaceutical science

Research interests: pharmaceutical development of transdermal dosage forms.