Instruction and Methodology of Foreign Languages

The main activities of the department

  • ensuring the quality of education and improving the language training of students in terms of the formation and development of their professionally oriented foreign language competence;
  • the search for new approaches to the organization of productive educational activities and the introduction into teaching practice of effective educational technologies that meet the requirements of the modern level of innovative development of society;
  • creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of cognitive and creative activity of students, their intellectual potential, ability for self-educational activity;
  • strengthening the role of the cultural component in teaching a foreign language in the context of a dialogue of cultures for the implementation of intercultural communication and professional interaction;
  • implementation and development of the quality management system of the educational process.

One of the important factors contributing to the development of foreign language professional communicative competence is the use of information and communication technologies and blended learning.

This approach to the organization of the educational process is consistent with the innovative nature of modern education as a whole, the main value of which is the formation of students' need for a systematic replenishment of professional knowledge, the ability to self-education and continuous education.

The department widely uses electronic educational and methodological complexes, authentic audio and video materials, professionally oriented educational and informational materials on the Internet, which create a favorable basis for the emergence of a sustainable cognitive interest in learning a foreign language and increasing student motivation.

The process of mastering a language is tightly linked with mastering a foreign culture, therefore the department pays special attention to strengthening the role of the socio-cultural component in the content of education, because the success of intercultural communication is based on knowledge of the parameters of a foreign culture and depends on the ability to navigate the socio-cultural aspects of the life of people in the country of the target language.

In the educational process in a foreign language, the department introduces interactive teaching, project activities, video technologies, role and business games, computer and multimedia technologies, test control and monitoring of students' educational achievements. Computer and multimedia technologies are also used in the work and in the preparation of reports for the student scientific conference of BSMU.

The approaches used by the department to the organization of the educational process are focused on the students’ personalities, productive instruction activities and autonomous learning, which are an important condition for increasing the foreign language competence of students, a reserve for improving the training of medical specialists capable of professional interaction at the international level of modern science and education.

Enjoy studying medicine in a foreign language!