Research work of Conservative Dentistry

Research work is an integral part of the Department activities. For the whole period of the Department existence, scientific research has been aimed at improving and introducing scientifically grounded diagnostic and medicoprophylactic measures for treating dental diseases of a therapeutic profile. Scientific studies and implementation of new innovative techniques for the restoration of teeth and endodontic treatment of complicated caries are being carried on and implemented in the educational process and practical health care.

Since 2020, the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry #1 has been working on the approved research topic: “Improving the methods of diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the oral mucosa.” 01.01.2020 - 31.12.2024

The main directions of research work of the department:

The determination of molecular biomarkers in rapidly progressing periodontitis and the study of the nature of their expression; the choice of drugs and the development of treatment regimens that affect the nature of expression of molecular biomarkers. The evaluation of the results of therapeutic measures and the development of scientifucally grounded practical recommendations for rapidly progressing periodontitis.

The study of the clinical manifestations of oral mucositis as a complication of chemoradiation treatment of head and neck cancer; the development of an experimental model, as well as an evidence-based approach to the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of oral mucositis.

The study of the incidence of precancerous diseases of oral mucosa; determination of the effectiveness of spectroscopy in the diagnosis and dynamic observation of patients with precancerous diseases of mucous membrane.

The study of biomolecular markers of inflammatory and neoplastic diseases of oral mucosa and the nature of their expression; the development of a method for early diagnosis of the pathology of oral mucosa basing on the assessment of biomolecular markers.

In last 5 years the staff of the Department received 11 patents of the Republic of Belarus, defended and approved 3 theses for a PhD degree in the field of Medicine:

A.G. Dovnar “Treatment and Prevention of Recurrent Candidiasis of the Oral Mucosa (clinical and experimental study)”, Minsk, 2018. Scientific supervisor:  L.A. Kazeko

A.S. Rutkovskaya “Diagnostics and Complex Treatment of Lichen Planus of the Oral Mucosa”, Minsk, 2019. Scientific supervisor: L.A. Kazeko

N.N. Pustovoitova “Clinical and Laboratory Substuntiation of the Choice of Treatment and Prophylactic Measures for Early Forms of Dental Caries in Adults” Minsk, 2021. Scientific supervisor:  L.A. Kazeko

Also, within the framework of the RTP program at the Karolinska University (Stockholm, Sweden), a dissertation for a PhD degree was prepared and defended by A.A. Witt.: “Clinical, Microbiological and Immunological Effects of Antiseptics in Periodontal Treatment”.


In addition, research on the topic “Oral Mucositis as a Complication of Chemoradiation Treatment in Cancer Patients: Prevention and Treatment (clinical experimental study)” is being carried on by the applicant for a scientific degree M.I. Degtyareva;

The applicant for a scientific degree Ya.O. Litvinchuk is working on the topic: “Improving the Methods of Diagnosis and Treatment of Precancerous Diseases of the Oral Mucosa.”

Under the supervision of the Department staff, the Department organized student research work with the subsequent preparation of reports for the annual scientific and practical conference of students and young scientists with international participation “Topical Problems of Modern Medicine and Pharmacy.”

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The staff of the Department regularly organize and hold congresses, conferences, seminars; they take an active part in scientific forums making their reports there.

For many years, the Department has been actively cooperating in the exchange of practical experience and scientific activities with colleagues from the CIS, Germany, Austria, England, Sweden.

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Associate Professor L.A. Kazeko received the Grant of the President of the Republic of Belarus in the category “Education” in 2018

Every year, the department holds the regional stage of the International Competition in Aesthetic Dentistry CERAM GLOBAL X CASE CONTEST, which stimulates deep theoretical knowledge, the development of clinical thinking and ingenuity, as well as demonstration of manual skills. The final assessment and selection of the winners are remotely determined by an international jury, which includes teachers from European universities and dental schools, whose students take part in the competition.

According to the 2011-2014 results, the BSMU students were awarded international certificates in Helsinki (Finland), Istanbul (Turkey). In 2016-2018, they took part in the final competition in Constance (Germany), where they presented their works in English.

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The competition “Healthy Smile” is a unique educational and health-improving program for the acquiring a healthy lifestyle by student youth. At the same time, it is an exciting competition that allows students to show their creativity and professional skills.

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Two MD dissertations were completed:

Zrig Mohamed Bashir Ali (Libya) “White lesions of the oral mucosa (lichen planus, candidiasis, leukoplakia). Dentist tactics”. The defense took place in November 2015.

Sadam Mahmoud M. Abu Zeid (Jordan) “Comparative evaluation of mechanical treatment of root canals by different methods.” The defense took place in November 2020.⁠