Student's life

Belarus has a moderate continental climate, with cool humid winters and warm summers

Average temperatures in Belarus

Average temperatures vary across Belarus. In January, temperatures average from -4.5°C to -8°C. In July the average temperature is +17°C to +18.5°C.

Some parts of Belarus experience sub-zero temperatures for more than a third of the year.

Rain and snow in Belarus

Belarus has an average annual rainfall of 600-700 mm. 70% of the rain falls from April to October.

Belarus also enjoys 75-125 days of snow each year, with falls ranging from 15 to 30cm.

Total land area of Belarus: 207,600 km²

Nationality of Belarus

Population – 9.468,2 million (on 1 January 2014)

Life expectancy at birth – 72.6 years

Population living in cities – 76.8%

The capital is Minsk – 1.921,8 million inhabitants

Where exactly is Belarus?

Belarus is situated in the centre of Europe, and has international borders with five countries:

  • Russia
  • Ukraine
  • Poland
  • Lithuania
  • Latvia

Although a landlocked state, the location has made Belarus an important trade and transport route between Europe and the CIS.

The total land area of Belarus is more than 207,000 square kilometers.

What is the capital of Belarus?

Minsk, the capital of Belarus, is located in the centre of the country.

Minsk today is a modern international city. The first recorded mention of the city goes back to 1067.

Over the course of its chequered history, Minsk has been destroyed and rebuilt numerous times, most recently after World War 2, when it was almost completely destroyed.

More than 1.9 million people live in Minsk today. It has excellent transport links including Minsk airport, several major train stations, the Minsk metro underground network, and a well-developed road system.