Educational and methodical work of the department of Surgery and Transplantology

The 1st Department of Surgical Diseases is located on the basis of 6 surgical departments (290 beds) of the 10th Clinical Hospital in Minsk. For practical classes, there are 8 classrooms, which are equipped according to the type of thematic classes, they contain schemes, which colorfully depict theoretical and practical issues on the program of surgical diseases.


In the educational process, the following departments are used: X-ray, endoscopic, functional diagnostics; 8 operating rooms and 7 dressing rooms. The number of case patients meets the needs of the curriculum.

The department provides training in the specialty 1-79 01 01 “General Medicine” for 4-6-year students of the General Medicine Faculty, the Medical Faculty of foreign students in Russian and English.

The curriculum for all courses includes a course of lectures, which are provided with color slides and instructional videos. Improved methodology for preparing and delivering lectures with the presentation of issues that are not covered in the educational literature, as well as with the inclusion of elements of problematic presentation of the material.

In the educational process at the department, simulation games are used, detailed training of all practical skills by 4-6-year students and a more perfect methodological approach to all the constituent elements of the educational process.

For 4-6-year students there are control questions, a list of compulsory and additional literature on topics is proposed, a plan of seminars is drawn up.

To ensure the clarity of the educational process, the department has thematic classes, tables, X-ray films, educational videos, programmed control on all topics. The lecture hall is adapted for lectures and is equipped with modern projection equipment.

In the process of practical training, much attention is paid to the development of practical skills by students, participation in operations, the technique of using surgical instruments, and the maintenance of medical records. Students are involved in teaching and research work. For each seminar, the plan of the topics studied, the distribution of hours by topic, the schedule of lectures and practical classes, and the regulation of homework are approved.

Clinical residents of full-time and part-time forms of training from all regions of the Republic of Belarus and from abroad are trained at the department.

The control of students' knowledge is carried out both through oral questioning and using tests and situational tasks, control written works and clinical analysis of patients. The results of students passing course and state exams in surgical diseases are analyzed at the department conferences.