Physical Education and Sport

Address: 220083 Minsk, pr-t. Dzerzhinskiy 83

Physical education is an academic discipline aimed at strengthening and improving health, forming special knowledge, skills, and developing the physical abilities of students.

The improvement of the physical education system of students, the use of physical culture means for the purpose of improving health and forming a healthy lifestyle is a priority area of activity of state and public organizations of the Republic of Belarus.

Physical culture in higher education is an independent discipline and an integral part of training in the formation of a general and professional culture of a modern highly educated specialist.

The purpose of the discipline 'Physical culture' in the institution of higher education is the formation of social and personal competencies of students, ensuring the targeted use of appropriate means of physical culture and sports to preserve, strengthen health and prepare for professional activity.


  • understanding and acceptance of the social role and values of physical culture by the student in the professional and personal formation of the future specialist;
  • mastering the knowledge of scientific and biological, methodological and practical foundations of physical culture and a healthy lifestyle;
  • formation of a motivational and value attitude to physical culture, the need for regular physical exercises and sports;
  • use of means of physical culture and sports for the prevention of diseases, mental well-being, development and improvement of personal qualities and traits;
  • mastering the experience of active physical culture and sports activities for the development of physical culture values.