Teaching Staff of Pathological Physiology

Висмонт Франтишек Иванович

Head of the Department

Vismont Frantishek Ivanovich

MD, PhD, DSc, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

The main directions of scientific research: study of the central neurotransmitter and peptidergic mechanisms of disturbance and maintenance of systemic functions of the body, detoxification processes and temperature homeostasis; the significance of bacterial endotoxinemia in physiology and pathology; the role of endotoxinemia in the formation of the thyroid status of the body, dysregulatory pathology and pre-disease; cardioprotective efficacy of ischemic pre- and postconditioning in ischemia-reperfusion of the myocardium in the presence of risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. In 1982 he defended his PhD thesis: “Central adrenergic mechanisms of regulation of lipoprotein cholesterol in the blood during overheating and prostaglandin hyperthermia”. In 1990 he defended his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences on the topic: “Central neurochemical mechanisms of thermoregulation during overheating and pyrogenic fever”.
Чантурия Андрей Владимирович

Deputy Head of the Department for Educational and Methodological Work

Chanturia Andrey Vladimirovich

Ph.D., Associate Professor

Research interests: pathophysiology of cell damage, pathophysiology of the blood system, ultrastructural aspects of the damaging effect of ionizing radiation and other factors of the external and internal environment on cells of various tissue systems. Ph.D. thesis: “Traces of the red border of the lips as an object of complex expert research in personality identification” (1982, Kirov Military Medical Academy, Leningrad).
Чепелев Сергей Николаевич

Deputy Head for Research

Chepelev Sergey Nikolaevich

Ph.D., Associate Professor

Research interests: elucidation of the mechanisms of cardioprotective efficacy of ischemic pre- and postconditioning in ischemia-reperfusion of the myocardium.
Author and co-author of over 250 publications.
Abakumova Tatyana Vyacheslavovna

Deputy Head for Socially Educational work

Abakumova Tatyana Vyacheslavovna


Research interests: pathophysiology of surgical diseases.
Жадан Светлана Анатольевна

Associate Professor

Zhadan Svetlana Anatolyevna


Research interests: ultrastructural aspects of the damaging effect of ionizing radiation on cells of various organs and tissues; genetic aspects of hereditary pathology. Ph.D. thesis: “Development of blood capillaries of the pancreas of white rat fetuses under conditions of a single external gamma irradiation” (1993). Author of over 120 scientific and scientific-methodical works.
Кучук Элеонора Николаевна

Associate Professor

Kuchuk Eleonora Nikolaevna


Research interests: pathophysiology of thermoregulation, private pathophysiology. Topic of Ph.D. thesis: “Features of thermoregulatory reactions of the body in conditions of toxic liver damage.” Author of 75 publications.
Переверзева Елена Вячеславовна

Associate Professor

Pereverzeva Elena Vyacheslavovna


I medical category. Specialization: therapy, cardiology. Research interests: cardiology. The topic of the dissertation work: “The state of the behavioral activity of animals and the mental performance of a person under the influence of extracts of tinder fungi and plants of the Araliaceae family” was defended in 2002. Author of 113 publications.
Сысоева Ирина Валентиновна

Associate Professor

Sysoeva Irina Valentinovna


Research interests: electrophysiology, sports medicine, health-improving physical culture and medical control. Topic of Ph.D. thesis: “Substantiation of the application of high-intensity pulsed magnetic therapy for injuries of the musculoskeletal system in athletes” (2007). Author of over 90 publications.
Yakovlev Fedor Dmitrievich


Yakovlev Fedor Dmitrievich

Research interests: pathological physiology of the respiratory system.
Shestel Inessa Vladimirovna


Shestel Inessa Vladimirovna

Research interests: pathological physiology of the neonatal period.
Chepelev Andrey Nikolaevich


Chepelev Andrey Nikolaevich

Research interests: detoxification function of the liver.
Шуст Любовь Григорьевна

Senior Lecturer

Shust Lyubov Grigorievna


Research interests: pathophysiology of tumor growth, pathophysiology of the blood system, pathophysiological aspects of leukemia. Author of over 30 publications. PhD thesis: “α1-AT of blood in the regulation of the activity of the pituitary-thyroid gland and body temperature during overheating”.
Чепелева Елена Николаевна

Senior Lecturer

Chepeleva Elena Nikolaevna

Research interests: pathophysiology of the thyroid gland, pathophysiology of the liver. Author of over 30 publications.
Shulyak Ekaterina Vasilievna

Senior Lecturer

Shulyak Ekaterina Vasilievna

Research interests: pathophysiology of autoimmune diseases.