Oral Surgery

Address: 220017, Minsk, Kuncevshchina str. 22

The Department of Oral Surgery trains the 3rd year dental students of the Medical Faculty for International Students. Also the Department of Oral Surgery offers the elective course “The clinical picture, diagnosis and prognosis of the course and outcomes of severe complications of acute odontogenic infection” for 5th year dental students of the Medical Faculty for International Students.

The scientific directions of the Department of Oral Surgery staff are 'Optimization of complex methods of rehabilitation of patients in maxillofacial surgery and oral surgery' (state registration № 200.83.66 dated 03/13/2008) and 'Prediction, diagnosis, treatment, prevention of complications and rehabilitation of patients with surgical pathology of the maxillofacial region' (state registration № 20180755 dated 25/05/2018).

Since 2008 the Department of Oral Surgery has been the initiator and organizer of the National Congress with international participation 'Parins’ Readings'.

For recent five years until 2020, there were defended 3 dissertations for the degree of candidate of medical sciences and 1 dissertation for the degree of doctor of medical sciences, totally from 2007 till 2020 there were defended 8 dissertations for the degree of candidate of medical sciences and 1 dissertation for the degree of doctor of medical sciences, 3 postgraduate masters’ dissertations. All defended dissertations were approved by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus.

There were published 9 monographs, more than 20 educational materials, more than 400 scientific articles in relevant scientific journals the authors of which are the staff of the Department of Oral Surgery. Also there were made more than 300 oral and poster reports by the staff of the Department of Oral Surgery in the international and republic Scientific Conferences and Congresses in the Republic of Belarus and abroad. Six staff persons of the Department of Oral Surgery are members of international public associations of specialists.

The staff persons of the Department of Oral Surgery carry out medical, diagnostic and consultative duties, they master perfectly modern techniques of complex diagnosis and treatment of patients with surgical pathology of the maxillofacial region.

In 2007 the students’ scientific club named by professor B.V. Parin began its work in the department. The basis of ideological and educational work is: training of highly professional specialists capable of mastering the relevant achievements of world scientific experience and applying them into practice, as well as the formation of a highly cultured personality focused on assimilating universal human and national values.