Educational and methodical work of Normal Anatomy

Educational process is carried out in accordance with the requirements of educational standards for all specialties. Classes are carried out in the forms of lectures and practical classes, based on motivated learning principle. Educational process uses didactic, informational, illustrative, problem-solving and independent teaching methods.

To prepare students for practical classes, professors of the department have published more than 80 educational and teaching aids, guidelines and textbooks, which provide information on individual sections of anatomy, taking into account modern scientific achievements, the results of scientific research of the department, as well as the clinical aspects of the topics studied.

For students of the Faculty of Medicine studying in English, the department staff prepared an English version of the anatomy program, a list of exam questions, a number of teaching aids, and created multimedia presentations of all lectures.

Every year, questions reflecting modern achievements in medical science and technology are introduced into the lectures and practical classes materials for students of all faculties. In order to ensure the clinical orientation of teaching, teachers of clinical departments, for example, the department of Traumatology and Orthopedics, are invited to give individual lectures on anatomy.


Nowadays traditional classes held with the use of anatomical preparations, located in each classroom and three anatomical museums of the department are combined with the active involvement of modern innovative technologies such as three-dimensional images of human organs and systems obtained by X-ray methods, CT and MRI, 3D visualization, provided by the use of an 'anatomical table”. Digital library of images of various types of human pathologies, loaded into the memory of the anatomical table, contributes to the formation of clinical thinking. Tests for self-control of students' knowledge have been created for separate sections and topics (osteosindesmology, myology, splanchnology, angiology, central nervous system and sensory organs) for individual preparation optimization. The tests are presented in electronic educational and methodological complexes (EEMC), prepared for students of all faculties and posted on the department's website.


Current certification of students in human anatomy is carried out in the form of two credits (at the end of the 1st and 2nd semesters) and an exam (at the end of the 3rd semester). Exam is conducted in the form of an oral answer with a demonstration of material on anatomical preparations. Assessment of students knowledge in the final classes and the exam is carried out on a ten-point scale in accordance with the criteria for assessing students' knowledge in the academic discipline of human anatomy.

Student should know:

The structure of individual organs, their position in the human body and relationships with other organs in the body; the relationship between the structure and function of the organ;

Individual, gender and age characteristics of the structure of organs, organ systems and the human body;

Variants and anomalies of the structure of organs and organ systems in connection with the periods of embryogenesis;

X-ray anatomy of organs and organ systems.

The technique of the correct location of the bones of the axial skeleton, chest, free part of the limbs;

The technique of demonstrating the biomechanics of the joints of the human body in accordance with the existing axes of rotation;

The technique of the location of the internal organs of their parts in relation to 'oneself';

Anatomical terminology, as well as the eponyms required for the academic discipline 'Human Anatomy”.

Student should be able to:

Show organs, their parts and other anatomical formations on cadaver, preparations and other teaching aids;

Determine the position of individual organs, bone protrusion on the human body, project organs, large vessels and nerves onto the surface of the body, find points of palpation of vessels (pulse);

Demonstrate organs, their parts and other anatomical structures on radiograms.