Research Work of Latin Language

Currently the research work at the Department is focused on the topic “Modern Theory and Practice of Learning the Basics of the Latin Medical and Pharmaceutical Terminology” (2017-2021).

Studies on the following five topics have been completed:

  • “Semantics of the Latin terms and methodology of teaching medical terminology” (1992-1996)
  • “Structural and semantic characteristics of modern medical terminology” (1997-2001)
  • “The Latin terminology and its reflection in modern national systems of terminology” (2002-2006)
  • “Linguo-didactic basics of modern terminological course of Latin at Medical universities” (2007-2011)
  • “Formation of professional competence of future doctors in the sphere of the Latin medical terminology” (2012-2016)

Of all the research papers, 98 are published in Belarus and CIS countries, 52 are teaching literature (including 7 course books and 9 textbooks recommended by the Ministry of Education, 2 teaching guides recommended by Teaching and Methodological Association, 6 standard curricula for higher education institutions and colleges, 32 teaching guides, workbooks and guidelines, 4 specialized dictionaries), 1 monograph, 70 conference abstracts.

The teachers of the Department participated in 44 international research conferences.

212 reviews on research papers, monographs, course books, dictionaries, textbooks and teaching guides, dissertations for PhD, standard and basic curricula in Latin and various disciplines, included in educational curricula of teaching classical philologists were given. Expert analysis of educational standard of the Republic of Belarus for the first stage of higher education in specialty 1-210505 “Classical Philology”, qualification “Philologist. Teacher of Classical Languages, Ancient Literature and Modern Greek” was carried out.

Four certificates of International Forum participants were obtained.

The Department holds 3 acts of implementation of research results in educational process.

Annually all teachers of the Department participate in the University scientific conference with oral and poster reports.

Associate Professor A.Z.Tsisyk acted as an official opponent at the defense of dissertations:

  • for the PhD in Philology “Nouns pluralia tantum in historical prose of Caesar, Livius, Tacitus” submitted by O.Y.Nazarenko to Lviv National University (Ukraine) in 1994;
  • for the PhD in Philology “Rhetorical categories of the Latin tractate of Maciej Kazimierz Sarbewski “About Acute and Witty Style” (1619-1622) in accordance with modern linguistics and communication theory” submitted by Y.V.Pristavko in 2008.

In 1998, L.S.Kapitula completed her post-graduate studies at the Department of Roman Languages of Minsk State Linguistic University (scientific supervisor PhD in Philology, Prof. Kistanova L.F.), defended her dissertation “Terminological field of French stomatological lexis (historical and etymological aspect)” and she received a PhD in Philology in specialty “Linguistics”.

In 2006, N.A.Kruglik defended her dissertation “Increase of efficiency of teaching Latin at Higher Law Institutions of the Republic of Belarus” (scientific supervisor Doctor of pedagogical science, Professor Oleinikov V.S.) and she received her PhD in Pedagogy in specialty “Pedagody”.


In 2015, E.L.Kuznetsova defended her dissertation “Regularities of Herbaceous Medicinal Plant Nomination (Based on Latin Botanical Nomenclature, the Russian Literary Language and Dialects)” and she received her PhD in Philology in specialty “Theory of Language”.

On January 28, 2013, the scientific methodological seminar “Current Problems of Medical Terminology in Subsystems of Different Languages” was organized at the Department. Associate Professor A.Z.Tsisyk, Associate Professor L.S.Kapitula, Associate Professor N.A.Kruglik, teacher E.L.Kuznetsova made oral reports. Poster reports were presented by senior teacher S.K.Romashkevichus, senior teacher E.S.Shvaiko, senior teacher T.P.Mokritskaya, teacher E.V.Lyashkevich.

In accordance with annual plan of advanced training, all teachers of the Department master their teaching and methodological skills at the department of Classical Philology of BSU, MSLU, NIHE and other institutions.


Research areas of teachers of the Latin Language Department:

  1. Innovative ways of optimizing foreign language educational processes in non-philological universities.
  2. Reflection of the Latin medical terminology in the modern terminology systems of other languages.
  3. Etymological, semantic, morphological and structural characteristics of lexical units of main parts of the modern Latin medical terminology.
  4. Current problems of professional training of the specialists with higher education.
  5. Historical and etymological formation of the French pharmaceutical stomatological terminology.
  6. Phytonyms in the Latin botanical nomenclature, the Russian language and dialects.
  7. Linguistic, cultural and historical aspects of perception and learning of ancient heritage.
  8. Reflection of the Latin and Greek medical terminology in the modern terminology system of the French language.

The main documents developed at the department