Infectious Diseases

This department teaches the discipline 'Infectious diseases' for senior students of all faculties in the Belarusian State Medical University:

  • 4th year students of the Faculty of Preventive Medicine, Pediatrics, and Dental Faculty.
  • 4th–5th year students of the Faculty of General Medicine, Institute of Military Medicine, and Medical Faculty for International Students.
  • 6th year students in subspeciality General Medicine.

The staff of the department actively teaches interns, future infectious disease specialists, and clinical residents the basics of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of infectious diseases, the ability to communicate with 'difficult' categories of patients, features of the work with infectious diseases. Special attention in practical classes is paid to clinical issues of acute and chronic infectious diseases, antimicrobial therapy, modern diagnostic methods of bacterial, viral, and protozoal infections.

The Department of Infectious Diseases actively participates in consultations in The City Clinical Hospital for Infectious Diseases and other hospitals in Minsk. The staff of the Department consists of practicing doctors who manage seriously ill and diagnostically difficult patients. The staff also consults severe patients in other cities of the Republic of Belarus.

Every year, the Department of Infectious Diseases conducts and participates in international and local scientific and practical conferences, cooperates with universities of other countries, participates in multicenter research on infectious pathology. Great attention is paid to the research work of students, members of the Students' Scientific Society regularly publish the results of research, submit works to the Republican Students' Scientific Works Competition and take prizes.